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Construction works

Our company will also be pleased to offer its customers all kinds of works in the field of construction. The main advantage of our company is the ratio of price and quality: the quality of our work is not inferior to the leading construction companies and the difference in price is quite noticeable.

Our services:

Construction works
Welding worksШтукатуные работы
Plastering works
Tile flooring works
Concrete works
Painting works
Demolition of buildings and garbage removal
Painting and coloring
Parquet installation
Facade-painting (facade work)
We guarantee a high quality! We achieve the services provided through clear planning of all the processes, implementation of the latest technologies, modern equipment and materials, as well as the professionalism of our employees.

Contact us by phone!
Tel +372 5627 39 39

Send your questions to our email ajsan@ajsan.ee

We work 24/7!